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Coronavirus and Isolation: How COVID-19 Can Impact Those Struggling with Mental Health and Addiction

Coronavirus and Isolation: How COVID-19 Can Impact Those Struggling with Mental Health and Addiction

Since the early part of 2020, the world has faced one of the most difficult challenges I have ever witnessed during my lifetime. The human population is currently suffering a pandemic of epic proportions. During this time of crisis, it is a quality of human nature to...
What is SAMHSA?

What is SAMHSA?

What is SAMHSA? The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is the US federal agency tasked with advancing the cause of our country’s behavioral health, both in policy and in practice. It was established in July of 1992 following the renaming...
Five Common Signs of Opioid Abuse

Five Common Signs of Opioid Abuse

Recognizing the Signs of Chronic Opioid Use With a conspicuous hole in general public knowledge relating to the symptoms of opioid use, not knowing what to look for can have serious consequences. Substance use disorder is difficult for many people to understand,...