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How to Properly Research Your Symptoms or Diagnosis

How to Properly Research Your Symptoms or Diagnosis

Internet search engines have become useful tools for personal research in many ways. When we are experiencing uncommon physical or emotional symptoms, we may turn to search engines to identify what the cause of our symptoms may be or for guidance on how to resolve...
The Difference Between CBT and DBT

The Difference Between CBT and DBT

There are numerous treatment options to consider when an individual is experiencing issues with mental health and other daily functioning. Every treatment has specific, targeted goals that work to address conditioned behavior or distressing emotions. To know what...
Reducing the Stigma of Schizophrenia

Reducing the Stigma of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that is characterized by the inability to distinguish real experiences from imagined ones. It affects less than one percent of the US population. Active schizophrenia can include a range of symptoms such as delusions,...
The Stages of Change

The Stages of Change

The stages of change model describes the common process of how substance users overcome addiction. These stages can be applied to many different scenarios and behaviors that people may want to change but have difficulty taking initial steps to do so. The stages...
4 Lessons We Can Learn From the Pandemic

4 Lessons We Can Learn From the Pandemic

The worldwide coronavirus pandemic changed life as we knew it. It has impacted the relationships we have with others and has transformed the relationship we have with ourselves. From altering our daily routines and life goals to changing how we navigate through our...
Communicating Mental Health Needs in the Workplace

Communicating Mental Health Needs in the Workplace

Nearly 1 in 5 American adults experience a mental health issue annually. Given that about 63% of Americans are participants in the US labor force, we can begin to understand how essential it is to address mental health needs in the workplace. It can be...