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How Do I Set Personal Boundaries?

How Do I Set Personal Boundaries?

Boundary setting is essential when it comes to establishing a healthy relationship with yourself and others. Boundaries can be defined as limits that we set with others, determining what behaviors or conversations are acceptable or unacceptable in our relationships....
When Should I Intervene With My Loved One’s Addiction?

When Should I Intervene With My Loved One’s Addiction?

Addiction can happen to anyone at any time. If you find that your loved one is suffering from addiction, you may feel compelled to do something to help them. Consider when it would be an appropriate time to intervene and what steps you may want to take beforehand,...
How Do I Know If I Need Outpatient Treatment?

How Do I Know If I Need Outpatient Treatment?

Many mental health and addiction programs offer a variety of treatment options. Two of the most common include inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. While both treatments each possess unique benefits, the intensity of a mental health illness or addiction can help...
I Am Embarassed About My Addiction. How Do I Get Help?

I Am Embarassed About My Addiction. How Do I Get Help?

If you struggle with addiction and are embarrassed to admit it, you are experiencing an incredibly common stage of recovery. Many people who have struggled with overcoming addiction often explain the embarrassment and shame that they felt about it, whether they had...
Is Marijuana Addictive?

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Marijuana has become popular in some corners of the medical community as an alternative pain medication and remedy for certain psychological symptoms. It is also widely used recreationally. Although many states have legalized marijuana for recreational and medicinal...
How Do I Connect With My Spirituality?

How Do I Connect With My Spirituality?

Spirituality embodies many essential principles that are important for one’s mental and physical well-being, such as acceptance or the ability to surrender. It involves an examination of how each of us relates to the environments that we are in and helps us to...