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Defining What It Means to Be Sober

Defining What It Means to Be Sober

The term sober means different things to different people. For some, it means simply not drinking alcohol. Others use the term to state that they refrain from using all substances. Still, others consider themselves sober but still smoke cigarettes, regularly using...
Are ADD and ADHD the Same?

Are ADD and ADHD the Same?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to function across multiple life domains. Although there is no cure for this condition, ADHD symptoms can be managed with treatment. Learn more about the basics...
Are Emotions Made Up?

Are Emotions Made Up?

Every day, decisions about social, economic, and environmental issues are made based on what people believe and how they feel at any given moment. Growing one’s self-awareness of emotions and learning how to manage them is an integral part of navigating...
Eating Disorders and Addiction

Eating Disorders and Addiction

Eating disorders are medical conditions that affect your thoughts and behaviors about food and eating. Addiction is a medical condition that affects your thoughts and behaviors about substance use. While both conditions are slowly being destigmatized, less is known...
What Is Aftercare and Why Is It Essential?

What Is Aftercare and Why Is It Essential?

Addiction is a complex disorder that can continue to impact a person’s life even after receiving treatment in a residential program. Learn about the different components of an aftercare program and why it is a vital part of sustaining recovery. Primary Treatment...
The Dangers of Cocaine on the Brain

The Dangers of Cocaine on the Brain

There are constant warnings about the dangers of using cocaine, but have you ever stopped to think about the specific risks? Not only is cocaine a highly addictive drug, but it also carries many short and long-term side effects on the brain and body. While you may...