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Is Psychoeducation Worth My Time?

Is Psychoeducation Worth My Time?

Psychoeducation is an essential component of early treatment and sets clients up for success later. Without a good understanding of mental health diagnoses or addiction, an individual may be limited in their ability to take care of their needs. This article will...
Is Double Depression a Real Disorder?

Is Double Depression a Real Disorder?

Depression is a group of mood disorders that can cause feelings of sadness and fatigue for extended periods of time. Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) sometimes overlap to create a disorder called double depression. There are...
Why a Good Night’s Sleep Is Worth the Work

Why a Good Night’s Sleep Is Worth the Work

The importance of getting a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated when it comes to recovery. Due to the physical, mental, and emotional demands of recovery, it is essential that individuals prioritize their sleep schedules. In order to begin doing this,...
How Can I Be Less Forgetful?

How Can I Be Less Forgetful?

About four percent of the adult population in the United States has a condition called attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can make every day a real challenge because of disruptive symptoms like forgetfulness. This article will discuss what causes...
Ending the Familial Cycle of Addiction

Ending the Familial Cycle of Addiction

If you have a family member with a substance use disorder, you might wonder if this means you will develop one as well. While this inquiry is valid, it does not mean that you are destined to carry on the cycle of addiction. Instead, you can be the reason that this...
Should I See a Counselor or a Therapist?

Should I See a Counselor or a Therapist?

Everyone experiences stress and turmoil at some point in their lives. Some people experience these painful emotions more often or more intensely than others. Whatever the case may be, seeing a professional can make a big difference by improving the quality of life. It...