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Setting SMART Goals for Recovery

Setting SMART Goals for Recovery

SMART is an acronym standing for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. It is often used for setting goals in a range of areas, including public speaking, special education, and construction. However, because it can help people set large or small...
Can Going Back to Basics Really Help Depression?

Can Going Back to Basics Really Help Depression?

Humans have an innate desire to connect with others. Influential psychologists like Abraham Maslow would say love and belonging are basic human needs. Many studies demonstrate the psychological and physiological benefits of having close associations and being a part...
Finding the Right Individualized Treatment

Finding the Right Individualized Treatment

No two people’s experience with drug or alcohol addiction looks exactly the same. When individuals in treatment have different life experiences, it becomes crucial that treatment becomes individualized. Working with treatment professionals to create an...
How Can I Help Someone Who Is Suicidal?

How Can I Help Someone Who Is Suicidal?

Someone who has become consumed with dark thoughts can be challenging to help. There are practical ways to provide the support that may calm them down for the time being. Yet, this might not be enough to rid them for good. Loved ones should still seek professional...
Is Your Explanatory Style Affecting Your Mental Health?

Is Your Explanatory Style Affecting Your Mental Health?

When a loved one tells a story, do they tend to blame themselves for negative occurrences? Do they complain that something bad is bound to happen no matter what they do? The way individuals explain events to themselves and others is called an explanatory style. A...
Identifying Inhalant Addiction

Identifying Inhalant Addiction

Inhalants are accessible as common household items such as paint thinners, glues, or cleaning supplies that come in aerosol containers. Inhalants are “[V]olatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or mind-altering,...