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The Importance of Celebrating Victories During Treatment

The Importance of Celebrating Victories During Treatment

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a journey. Celebrating victories in treatment increases self-confidence, keeps people motivated, and empowers individuals in early recovery. According to the Journal of Substance Use, “Feeling heard, understood, and...
How Do I Manage Long-Term Side Effects of Inhalants?

How Do I Manage Long-Term Side Effects of Inhalants?

If professionals have learned anything from the past few decades, nothing is off the table when it comes to substance use. Bath salts, cough syrup, and even everyday things like catnip or hand sanitizer are all causes of concern regarding addiction. So, what other...
How Does Neuroplasticity Rewire the Sober Brain?

How Does Neuroplasticity Rewire the Sober Brain?

There are many dangers associated with excessive substance use and substance use disorder (SUD). For example, some of the common dangers include the development of physical health conditions or additional mental disorders. However, other potential dangers include...
How Can Learning to Cook Become a Part of Healing From Addiction?

How Can Learning to Cook Become a Part of Healing From Addiction?

Unfortunately, many individuals with substance use or mental health disorders lack basic life skills. Further, the disordered life that comes from active addictions makes it difficult for people to maintain or learn new life skills. This can include learning to cook...
How Does ADHD Impact Long-Term Recovery?

How Does ADHD Impact Long-Term Recovery?

Young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have an increased risk of developing substance use disorder (SUD). According to Current Psychiatry Reports, “Adolescents with ADHD, compared to peers without ADHD, have been found to be at...