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Are Prescription Drugs Dangerous?

Are Prescription Drugs Dangerous?

Prescription drugs are often prescribed by doctors to treat pain, anxiety, depression, other mental health disorders, and more. Most of the time, prescription drugs are completely safe to use when taken as instructed by your doctor. However, stepping outside of these...
Using Meditation to Develop Mindfulness

Using Meditation to Develop Mindfulness

Meditation is a powerful tool for developing mindfulness, which offers a number of positive health effects that contribute to addiction recovery. From the mind to the gut, mindfulness touches multiple aspects of physical and mental health. Including meditation as a...
How Do I Know if I Have an Addiction?

How Do I Know if I Have an Addiction?

Addiction is a highly complex issue, and it isn’t always clear if your relationship with a substance is considered an addiction. While there are many signs that you may be addicted to a substance, the picture isn’t always black and white. This room for...
Understanding the Role of Community in Relapse Prevention

Understanding the Role of Community in Relapse Prevention

The people who surround you play a significant role in your recovery, which can be positive or negative depending on their behavior. Friends and family can sometimes support addictive behaviors unknowingly. It is possible that some members of your community share the...
Do Art and Music Therapy Really Work?

Do Art and Music Therapy Really Work?

Creative therapies allow people to express themselves in non-verbal ways. This gives people the opportunity to explore their complex emotions without having to articulate them or even truly understand them. Art and music interact with a different part of the brain...
Methadone and Opioid Addiction Recovery

Methadone and Opioid Addiction Recovery

There are a number of medications we hear about through a variety of sources, such as news broadcasts, TV advertisements, TikTok videos, and social media posts regarding addiction recovery. Each has their own merits and uses, but which works best? The answer depends...