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The Benefits of Art Therapy in Aftercare

The Benefits of Art Therapy in Aftercare

Individuals transitioning to aftercare often benefit from various evidence-based and holistic therapies. Some people focus on therapeutic forms of self-expression, such as art therapy. Art therapy has grown in popularity over the last few decades to reduce stress,...

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How Prevalent Is Ketamine Use?

How Prevalent Is Ketamine Use?

Different drugs are prevalent at various points in history. Yet, as times change, trends change, and one trend to be on the lookout for is the rise of ketamine use. Ketamine is becoming an extremely popular drug, especially among young adults or college-age groups....

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How Does Substance Abuse Impact Self-Confidence?

How Does Substance Abuse Impact Self-Confidence?

Many people with substance use disorder (SUD) experience low self-esteem. Confidence building can make it easier for those individuals to manage their sobriety long-term. According to MedlinePlus, “A stressful or chaotic lifestyle and low self-esteem” are common risk...

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5 Ways Group Therapy Is Different From Self-Help Groups

5 Ways Group Therapy Is Different From Self-Help Groups

Peer support helps people recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) find healthy ways to reframe their experiences and manage their symptoms. Self-help groups and group therapy are often used alongside other forms of treatment to ensure clients feel comfortable and...

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