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The Power of Telling Your Story in Recovery

The Power of Telling Your Story in Recovery

Everyone has a story to tell. Many people are unaware of how empowering and motivating it can be to share their stories with others. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “Sharing stories is a way to connect with people...

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How Will Your Spiritual Beliefs Help You Heal During Treatment?

How Will Your Spiritual Beliefs Help You Heal During Treatment?

Spiritual beliefs provide a great deal of comfort and motivation to many people recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). According to the Journal of Religion, "84% of scientific studies show that faith is a positive factor in addiction prevention or recovery."...

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Do Anxiety Disorders Increase the Risk of Relapse?

Do Anxiety Disorders Increase the Risk of Relapse?

Many individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) have co-occurring anxiety-related mental health issues. Some people worry their additional anxiety symptoms may increase the risk of relapse during early recovery. However, personalized treatment programs...

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Portland Mental Health Crisis Center Under Development

Portland Mental Health Crisis Center Under Development

Read about Portland developer Vanessa Sturgeon’s office-space-turned-treatment-facility in this look at Jackson House’s latest project. Our 16-bed facility in the heart of the Pacific Northwest will serve the Portland community, and we’re grateful to work with Vanessa on making it a reality in the coming months.

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