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Is Vaping Safe?

Is Vaping Safe?

Vaping is one of the newest trends to hit the teen scene in recent years. The practice of inhaling flavored vapors has appealed to adolescents and adults alike, as it has been touted as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. Despite the positive marketing or...

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Sober Summer: 5 Tips for Preventing a Relapse

Sober Summer: 5 Tips for Preventing a Relapse

Summer is a great time to reconnect with friends and family you didn?t have as much time for throughout the busier times of the year. The season is all about kicking back and relaxing. If you are like others working through their sobriety, summertime can also bring...

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New Study Links Sedentary Lifestyle and Alcohol Abuse

New Study Links Sedentary Lifestyle and Alcohol Abuse

A regular exercise program offers a myriad of healthy benefits, from a more efficient cardiovascular system to successful weight loss. Now, two recent studies have also confirmed that physical activity may be linked to a lower risk of alcohol abuse. While the studies...

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Medical Marijuana a ?Joke?? DEA Chief Says Yes

The idea of ?medical? marijuana is spreading as more states turn to legalizing the drug for medicinal purposes. Currently, 23 states and the District of Columbia have made marijuana legal for medicinal use. Another 17 states have passed laws to allow for the use of...

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The Alarming Rise in Marijuana Use

Marijuana use has more than doubled since the turn of the century, a study has found. Researchers discovered that marijuana use is becoming more acceptable in today?s society, possibly due to the growing legalization of the drug by some states. In addition, studies...

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New Study Links Daily Marijuana Use to Memory Loss

Marijuana legalization has been growing across the U.S., despite many concerns about the consequences this action will have in both the short and long-term nationwide. Now, another study has linked marijuana use to memory loss, giving legalization opponents more...

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The Truth About DXM

Dextromethorphan or DXM is a cough suppressant used in dozens of over-the-counter cold and cough medications today. When used properly, DXM is considered both safe and effective. Unfortunately, DXM abuse has grown in recent years, particularly among younger users,...

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Fentanyl Laced Heroin Poses Serious Dangers

Heroin, one of the most dangerous opioids sold on the street today, has now reached a whole new level of risk. Earlier this year, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a national alert, warning of a surge in overdose deaths from heroin laced with the potent...

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Eye Movement Desensitization in Addiction Recovery

When it comes to helping a patient struggling with addiction find new life in sobriety, we explore numerous treatment options to find the modalities that work best for each patient. One of those modalities that is relatively new to the area of addiction recovery is...

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