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Coronavirus and Isolation: How COVID-19 Can Impact Those Struggling with Mental Health and Addiction

Coronavirus and Isolation: How COVID-19 Can Impact Those Struggling with Mental Health and Addiction

Since the early part of 2020, the world has faced one of the most difficult challenges I have ever witnessed during my lifetime. The human population is currently suffering a pandemic of epic proportions. During this time of crisis, it is a quality of human nature to...

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Let’s Get Creative: Why Art Therapy Is An Effective Tool in Recovery

Let’s Get Creative: Why Art Therapy Is An Effective Tool in Recovery

Taking the First Step in Art Therapy When I walk through the door to facilitate an art therapy group, I often get mixed responses from my clients. Some love art therapy and feel comfortable with creative mediums; being in a group where they do not have to use words to...

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The Modality of Surfing:  Understanding the Mental Health Benefits of Riding the Ocean

The Modality of Surfing: Understanding the Mental Health Benefits of Riding the Ocean

It is often difficult for individuals in early  recovery to find ways of coping with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other forms of mental health diagnoses. This can be very discouraging and will sometimes lead to a relapse. Individuals can feel that the only way...

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