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What Is Allopathic Medicine?

What Is Allopathic Medicine?

Within the healthcare community, you may have heard some of the following terms: conventional medicine, alternative medicine, evidence-based treatments, and even Western medicine. It can be challenging to know what type of treatment each term is referring to....

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Gaining Trust Back After It Has Been Lost

Gaining Trust Back After It Has Been Lost

Trust is the glue of every friendship, relationship, and partnership. Trust allows us to be vulnerable with each other, giving us the freedom to express ourselves and be comforted, especially when we feel mentally or physically unsafe. Unfortunately, many of us...

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What Are the Effects of Long-Term Meditation?

What Are the Effects of Long-Term Meditation?

Most people have heard about the numerous benefits associated with mindfulness and meditation. Meditation is important because it helps establish balanced emotional regulation, aids relapse prevention, and encourages peace and well-being. Many positive things...

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How Do I Work Through Betrayal Trauma?

How Do I Work Through Betrayal Trauma?

If you have ever been close to someone that has broken your trust, you may have experienced symptoms of betrayal. Trust is something that is earned and even harder to regain. Experiences of betrayal can leave long-lasting wounds on a person's physical, mental, and...

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What Does A Healthy Brain Look Like?

What Does A Healthy Brain Look Like?

Mental health and medical centers often publish content that discusses the symptoms, causes, and treatments for mental health conditions. It is important to know these things because mental illness is complex and deeply rooted in the brain. Every mental health...

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