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What is Trauma Informed Yoga?

What is Trauma Informed Yoga?

Trauma-informed yoga (TIY), also known as trauma-sensitive yoga, is a therapeutic yogic intervention that is designed to address the specific needs and experiences of trauma survivors. It emphasizes that trauma impacts the entire mind-body system rather than...

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The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Words are powerful. We are introduced to the power of language at a very young age. We are taught to express our wants, needs, and emotions through the use of words. Although we are used to communicating through language, we rarely acknowledge the power behind the...

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Do Pets Have Mood-Boosting Benefits?

Do Pets Have Mood-Boosting Benefits?

It is normal and common for people to grow up with household pets. Little to nothing beats coming back home after a long day of work to a loyal companion. Household pets can teach many important life lessons and allow people to experience a unique companionship like...

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An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness continues to prove its efficacy in reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and other experiences of mental distress. Mindfulness is a valuable tool, not only for coping with the stressors of life, but for fostering personal peace, healing, and...

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What is Adventure Therapy?

What is Adventure Therapy?

For the last few years, mental health treatment and recovery have broadened their use of therapeutic interventions. Every therapeutic intervention has something unique to offer in terms of healing. One of these new, modern avenues of treatment is called adventure...

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What Constitutes a Drug User?

What Constitutes a Drug User?

Throughout time, society has painted an incredibly negative light on people with mental illness, people that use drugs, and people that go through treatment and recovery from addiction. These ill stigmas only make discussion and conversation surrounding mental health,...

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Can Music Improve My Health?

Can Music Improve My Health?

Music is an important part of daily life for many. Music is in the background of movies and television shows we watch, the focal point of religious or ceremonial experiences we attend, and a reliable resource that we use during stressful times in our lives. ...

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