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Spring Cleaning: Decluttering Negative Thoughts

Spring Cleaning: Decluttering Negative Thoughts

A person's physical health is directly impacted by their thoughts and emotions. Meanwhile, reducing negative thoughts improves overall health. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), "People who are emotionally well, experts say, have fewer negative...

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The Importance of Celebrating Victories During Treatment

The Importance of Celebrating Victories During Treatment

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) is a journey. Celebrating victories in treatment increases self-confidence, keeps people motivated, and empowers individuals in early recovery. According to the Journal of Substance Use, "Feeling heard, understood, and...

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How Can I Address Co-Dependency During Recovery?

How Can I Address Co-Dependency During Recovery?

There are many concerns you may need to address upon entering treatment. For instance, you may need to find new work, identify a new place to live, or distance yourself from friendships that are not conducive to your newfound lifestyle. Many must also end deeply...

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3 Ways to Control Cravings in Treatment

3 Ways to Control Cravings in Treatment

Intrusive cravings are a symptom of substance use disorder (SUD). Treatment programs help clients learn to identify craving triggers and manage intrusive thoughts. According to the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, "Many studies indicate that craving is a...

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Does Mindfulness Reduce the Effects of Relapse Triggers?

Does Mindfulness Reduce the Effects of Relapse Triggers?

Alongside evidence-based modalities and clinical approaches to treatment, most clients benefit from a holistic care plan. When we discuss holistic addiction treatment, we are talking about treatment that does not only treat the addiction; rather holistic care treats...

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What Topics Are Allowed in Group Therapy?

What Topics Are Allowed in Group Therapy?

Group therapy is an integral part of treatment for most individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). Peer support and positive social interactions help people develop important skills and process underlying issues related to substance abuse and recovery. As stated...

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