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Setting Boundaries With Family 101

Setting Boundaries With Family 101

Your family members are typically individuals who care for you and love you no matter what. Due to this unconditional love, they do all they can to help you along your recovery journey. While this is admirable and appreciated, sometimes it is not the most helpful for...

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Could You Be Thwarting Your Success?

Could You Be Thwarting Your Success?

Self-sabotaging behaviors like substance abuse can limit the goals a person can achieve in life. They may have personal or professional aspirations that cannot be realized until they identify and remove the barriers that have been holding them back. These issues often...

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The Healing Power of Yoga in Recovery

The Healing Power of Yoga in Recovery

Practicing yoga as a form of self-care has become increasingly popular in the United States, specifically for those in recovery. Although, many individuals who are not in recovery can gain many benefits from practicing yoga as well. The numerous benefits of yoga can...

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How Can Self-Compassion Help Me Manage Stress?

How Can Self-Compassion Help Me Manage Stress?

Life can be very challenging when a person is overly critical of themselves or lacks the ability to self-soothe. This can lead to an escalation of stress and anxiety, even when the situation itself is manageable. Facilities like West Coast Recovery Centers offer...

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Staying Connected: The Value of Alumni Programs

Staying Connected: The Value of Alumni Programs

As you know by now, recovery is a journey that addresses many different parts of yourself. After all, addiction is never just about the substances being used. In order to achieve lasting sobriety and recovery, you had to continuously address aspects of yourself that...

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Is Psychoeducation Worth My Time?

Is Psychoeducation Worth My Time?

Psychoeducation is an essential component of early treatment and sets clients up for success later. Without a good understanding of mental health diagnoses or addiction, an individual may be limited in their ability to take care of their needs. This article will...

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Realizing the Value of Intentional Living

Realizing the Value of Intentional Living

You have probably realized through your journey with addiction how powerful it was to take back control of your life. Before entering recovery, you likely felt controlled by your addiction. It dictated most of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Fortunately, by...

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Is Double Depression a Real Disorder?

Is Double Depression a Real Disorder?

Depression is a group of mood disorders that can cause feelings of sadness and fatigue for extended periods of time. Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) sometimes overlap to create a disorder called double depression. There are...

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Why a Good Night’s Sleep Is Worth the Work

Why a Good Night’s Sleep Is Worth the Work

The importance of getting a good night's sleep cannot be overstated when it comes to recovery. Due to the physical, mental, and emotional demands of recovery, it is essential that individuals prioritize their sleep schedules. In order to begin doing this, individuals...

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How Can I Be Less Forgetful?

How Can I Be Less Forgetful?

About four percent of the adult population in the United States has a condition called attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD can make every day a real challenge because of disruptive symptoms like forgetfulness. This article will discuss what causes...

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