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Using Meditation to Develop Mindfulness

Using Meditation to Develop Mindfulness

Meditation is a powerful tool for developing mindfulness, which offers a number of positive health effects that contribute to addiction recovery. From the mind to the gut, mindfulness touches multiple aspects of physical and mental health. Including meditation as a...

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How Do I Know if I Have an Addiction?

How Do I Know if I Have an Addiction?

Addiction is a highly complex issue, and it isn't always clear if your relationship with a substance is considered an addiction. While there are many signs that you may be addicted to a substance, the picture isn't always black and white. This room for uncertainty...

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Do Art and Music Therapy Really Work?

Do Art and Music Therapy Really Work?

Creative therapies allow people to express themselves in non-verbal ways. This gives people the opportunity to explore their complex emotions without having to articulate them or even truly understand them. Art and music interact with a different part of the brain...

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Methadone and Opioid Addiction Recovery

Methadone and Opioid Addiction Recovery

There are a number of medications we hear about through a variety of sources, such as news broadcasts, TV advertisements, TikTok videos, and social media posts regarding addiction recovery. Each has their own merits and uses, but which works best? The answer depends...

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Does My Gender Affect My Recovery?

Does My Gender Affect My Recovery?

Gender is a social construct that affects almost every aspect of our lives. This includes how we interact with substances, how the substances affect us, and how we can best recover from substance use. Understanding the unique obstacles that come with recovery based on...

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The Healing Power of Nature Experiences

The Healing Power of Nature Experiences

Nature experiences are known to have a positive impact on addiction recovery. Nature appeals to the five senses: sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. What is lesser known is that nature appeals to three non-sensory pathways as well. The benefits of nature...

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Creative Expression as Therapeutic Intervention

Creative Expression as Therapeutic Intervention

Creative expression is the learned and intentional action of expressing oneself outwardly through artistic means, such as drawing or music, to express inner feelings and self-perception. Creative expression is different from traditional therapeutic methods because it...

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Could COVID-19 Be Affecting My Recovery?

Could COVID-19 Be Affecting My Recovery?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world in a variety of ways, and the long-term effects of the virus and the world's reaction to it have yet to be fully realized. However, recent research has indicated that those diagnosed with COVID-19 could have lasting physical and...

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The Power of Self-Care

The Power of Self-Care

Self-care means performing actions that take care of your physical and mental health. It starts when you get up in the morning. Do you stretch? Do you lay in bed for a while, allowing yourself to adjust to being awake? Do you brush your teeth as soon as you get up?...

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