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How Does My Queer Identity Affect My Recovery?

How Does My Queer Identity Affect My Recovery?

In the United States and all over the world, LGBTQIA+ people — henceforth referred to as queer people — face unique challenges. Despite progress made in the past few decades, social and cultural customs and ideals continue to perpetuate various forms of discrimination...

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Exercise and Addiction Recovery

Exercise and Addiction Recovery

Exercise is a powerful tool for addiction recovery. Evidence shows that only 30 minutes of walking a day has a benefit on mood and health. Exercise improves your mental health by releasing endorphins. These chemical hormones contribute to overall happiness and can...

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Is Medication-Assisted Treatment Right for Me?

Is Medication-Assisted Treatment Right for Me?

Treatment for mental health issues and/or substance use disorders (SUDs) can utilize a variety of different approaches. Often, a holistic approach to treatment will utilize methods that treat both the mind and the body in order to maximize the benefits of treatment....

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Stigma, Discrimination and Substance Use Disorders

Stigma, Discrimination and Substance Use Disorders

Those with substance use disorders (SUDs) often face stigma and discrimination despite the fact that SUDs are chronic and treatable medical conditions. That's often why those who need treatment may not pursue care or, when they do, they may receive lower quality care...

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Where Can I Receive Treatment as a Veteran?

Where Can I Receive Treatment as a Veteran?

Addiction can affect anyone; however, substance use disorders (SUDs) are an extremely prevalent problem among U.S. military veterans. Various factors contribute to veterans' susceptibility to SUDs, such as trauma, physical pain, and mental health conditions....

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Understanding Women-Focused Treatment

Understanding Women-Focused Treatment

Gender is a social construct, meaning gender roles are informed by society. Since men and women face different gender expectations, it is likely that their experiences of addiction may differ. This emphasizes the need for gender-informed therapies. Women-focused...

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Addiction in the LGBTQ Community

Addiction in the LGBTQ Community

Due to a number of external pressures, including social stigma and discrimination, members of the LGBTQ community are at higher risk for substance use disorders (SUDs) and addiction. “LGBTQ” stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.This acronym has...

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How Does Social Media Affect My Recovery?

How Does Social Media Affect My Recovery?

Social media has become an integral part of life over the past 15 years. People now use various social media platforms as main sources for entertainment, news, and fostering connections and relationships with others. However, as social media use has increased, so have...

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Are Prescription Drugs Dangerous?

Are Prescription Drugs Dangerous?

Prescription drugs are often prescribed by doctors to treat pain, anxiety, depression, other mental health disorders, and more. Most of the time, prescription drugs are completely safe to use when taken as instructed by your doctor. However, stepping outside of these...

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