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What Are the Advantages to Incorporating MAT in Recovery?

What Are the Advantages to Incorporating MAT in Recovery?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is often used to navigate detox, manage withdrawal symptoms, and help clients through early recovery. However, some people feel odd about using medications to manage substance use disorder (SUD). Feeling weary about taking...

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Optimizing Recovery Through Community Engagement

Optimizing Recovery Through Community Engagement

Recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) takes time. People often feel more motivated to stay in treatment if they find healthy ways to engage with their local community. Relationships with sober peers also help people heal from substance abuse. According to...

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How Can West Coast Recovery Centers Support Military Families?

How Can West Coast Recovery Centers Support Military Families?

Military service members experience unique mental health challenges. However, it's not only such service members who deal with the consequences of these challenges but also their families. Military families may also experience additional challenges, specifically in...

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Managing Triggers in the Age of Technology

Managing Triggers in the Age of Technology

Social media and other online sites have the potential to trigger intrusive thoughts, cravings, and symptoms related to substance use disorder (SUD). Managing triggers while scrolling online is important to reduce stress and the risk of relapse. Some individuals with...

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