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When Am I Considered Recovered?

When Am I Considered Recovered?

Mental health and substance use disorders and addiction are not uncommon experiences. They tend to affect not only the individuals struggling with the conditions, but they can also extend beyond that into family members and even strangers. Luckily, increasingly more...
Fixing Your Internal Clock

Fixing Your Internal Clock

The human body is fueled by routine. One of the most important aspects of an individual’s daily routine is having a regular sleep schedule, as sleep is essential for proper body and brain functioning. Sleep allows your mind and body to recharge, allowing your...
What Is the Red Road Curriculum?

What Is the Red Road Curriculum?

Effective recovery from mental health disorders, substance use, or addiction must teach the importance of having values. Values are fundamental core beliefs that guide our individual behavior and help us identify what is important in our lives. In recovery, values...
Why Is Self-Compassion Essential in Recovery?

Why Is Self-Compassion Essential in Recovery?

Making mistakes, experiencing emotional pain, and going through suffering are inevitable aspects of life. Many people consider these experiences valuable for creating balance in life, such as believing that you can’t have positives without having...
Addressing the Drug Overdose Epidemic

Addressing the Drug Overdose Epidemic

In November of 2021, reports from the CDC were released addressing yet another epidemic in the United States. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics data indicated that the 12-month period from April of 2020 to April of 2021 significantly outnumbered...