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How Can I Practice Vulnerability in Recovery?

How Can I Practice Vulnerability in Recovery?

Emotional vulnerability may be an easy thing to conceptualize, but it can be extremely difficult to implement into daily life. Often when we struggle with an addiction or substance use disorder (SUD), we spend a lot of time being dishonest with ourselves and our loved...
Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Habits are repetitive actions that are not necessarily consciously engaged. In Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, it is noted that habit formation is a multi-pronged process that happens in several areas of the brain. Since habits can become passive, it is possible...
Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Studies have shown that nearly 20% of adults in the United States have experienced an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Additionally, research indicates that anxiety disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) co-occur at a higher rate than is likely due to chance...