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Considerations for Going to College in Recovery

Considerations for Going to College in Recovery

Recovery can be a great time to move forward with education and career goals. Whether you are going to college for the first time or returning to higher education, the choice can improve your long-term career prospects and satisfaction. However, people overcoming...
How Does My Gut Health Affect My Mental Health?

How Does My Gut Health Affect My Mental Health?

Gut health and the gut-brain axis and their effect on mental health are fairly new phenomena that medical professionals are still learning about today. You may have had a “gut feeling” or felt butterflies before a presentation. These are examples of the gut-brain...
Working the Twelve Steps and MAT: Facts and Fiction

Working the Twelve Steps and MAT: Facts and Fiction

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may be controversial among some 12-Step recovery cultures, but the reality is that both are powerful tools. The idea that the two conflict is an ideological, non-scientific opinion that has morphed into myth. MAT is not at odds with...
Managing Cravings in Post-Treatment Life

Managing Cravings in Post-Treatment Life

Managing cravings can be a struggle for all of us in recovery. This is particularly true during early sobriety. However, learning to address triggers and impulses properly is crucial to long-term success in the real world. Exiting the bubble of inpatient treatment or...