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What Is the 12-Step Approach to Recovery?

What Is the 12-Step Approach to Recovery?

If you are considering treatment or are in early recovery, you may have been introduced to a 12-Step program to help support you. 12-Step programs began in 1935 with the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The steps themselves were accumulated and developed through...

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Anxiety: How Much is Too Much?

Anxiety: How Much is Too Much?

Anxiety is a typical response to stressful situations. It’s normal to feel anxious when taking a test, giving a speech, or going on a first date. When we face uncertainty or need to perform under pressure, a healthy amount of anxiety can help stimulate and excite us,...

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Fall In Love With Yourself This Fall

Fall In Love With Yourself This Fall

Self-love may be one of the most essential concepts in life and one of the most difficult to grasp. There are many ways to practice self-love every day, but we often find it challenging to prioritize this type of care in our busy lives. Sometimes we learn to only love...

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Healthy Ways to Acknowledge Grief

Healthy Ways to Acknowledge Grief

Despite being a fundamental part of the human experience, grief is an emotion many of us try to avoid talking or thinking about when we encounter it. Grieving is a natural process of responding to loss. We grieve the loss of life, friends, relationships, material...

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Explaining Addiction to Young Children

Explaining Addiction to Young Children

Addiction touches almost everyone somehow, and its effects can be experienced at any age by any person. Growing up in an environment where addiction is present may be confusing for a child that doesn’t fully understand what is happening. Studies estimate that more...

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Addressing the Stigma Of Addiction

Addressing the Stigma Of Addiction

Even though one in ten adults have suffered from a substance use disorder at some point in their lives, many still stigmatize addiction and those who experience it. Stigma is a problem with many health conditions that can ultimately affect whether or not individuals...

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5 Ways to Fall Into Mindfulness

5 Ways to Fall Into Mindfulness

Fall is a time for reflection. As the year comes to a close, take the time to do a personal inventory and create some new personal goals that you'd like to accomplish before the end of the year. Fall is the perfect time to form new, healthy habits that can take into a...

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