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What Does Wellness Mean to You?

What Does Wellness Mean to You?

Wellness is typically defined as a state of good health, especially mental or physical health. Wellness is not something that is achieved naturally; it involves an active pursuit of betterment, taking concrete steps to achieve overall well-being. It is a term commonly...

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The Dangers of Toxic Positivity

The Dangers of Toxic Positivity

It may seem impossible to have a positive mindset when you are experiencing hardships, but we all know that having a positive outlook during difficult times can lead to greater well-being. With that being said, there are times when positivity, if taken to the extreme,...

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How Do I Find Purpose in My Life?

How Do I Find Purpose in My Life?

Mental health recovery can be a long and exhausting process. Mental illness and addiction often result in a loss of identity and self. It can be hard enough to find purpose in your life without experiencing mental illness or addiction, and it may only become more...

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Is My Therapist Right for Me?

Is My Therapist Right for Me?

Therapy is a valuable tool to help you manage mental health conditions, recover from addiction, or work through trauma. The stigma that surrounds mental health treatment can act as a barrier for individuals to get the help that they may need. If you are new to mental...

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Being a Better Parent in Recovery

Being a Better Parent in Recovery

Being a parent in recovery involves balancing numerous challenges. Parenting, even when you are not in recovery, is an overwhelming experience for many. You not only have to attend to your child's basic needs, but you also serve as a reliable support system for them...

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What Are Gender Specific Treatment Programs?

What Are Gender Specific Treatment Programs?

Research continues to show that men and women use drugs differently and experience different obstacles when it comes to addiction recovery. Gender-specific treatment programs address these concerns as well as offer a unique opportunity for individuals to heal in a...

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What Do Cravings Feel Like?

What Do Cravings Feel Like?

For those of us well into our recovery journeys, we may be more skilled at recognizing the signs and symptoms of cravings when they inevitably surface. Cravings are not always an obvious desire to drink or use drugs. They are often more pernicious, slowly growing as...

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