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Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Habits are repetitive actions that are not necessarily consciously engaged. In Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, it is noted that habit formation is a multi-pronged process that happens in several areas of the brain. Since habits can become passive, it is possible...

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Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Studies have shown that nearly 20% of adults in the United States have experienced an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Additionally, research indicates that anxiety disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) co-occur at a higher rate than is likely due to chance...

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Offsetting Future Anxiety in Addiction Recovery

Offsetting Future Anxiety in Addiction Recovery

The term “future anxiety” refers to stress about the future. While having some anxiety about the future can be motivating and positive, too much of it can be problematic. Future anxiety can be linked to over-planning and the need for control. Likewise, it is a...

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How Do I Implement Self-Care Into Recovery?

How Do I Implement Self-Care Into Recovery?

If the term “self-care” conjures images of mani-pedis and large specialty coffees, you're not alone. However, self-care actually refers to taking care of both your physical and mental health on a daily basis. In doing so, you're ensuring that you're cultivating a...

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The Role of Hobbies In Addiction Recovery

The Role of Hobbies In Addiction Recovery

Hobbies are a fun way to practice mindfulness in addiction recovery. In addition, they benefit addiction recovery by activating the brain's reward circuit. Essentially, practicing hobbies gives you the opportunity to have fun while improving your wellness. If you are...

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Can Journaling Help Me in My Recovery?

Can Journaling Help Me in My Recovery?

Practicing self-care is an essential part of a productive and healthy recovery process. While a variety of self-care methods can be implemented into your daily routine to improve your recovery, journaling may be one of the most effective. Journaling gives you an...

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Signs and Symptoms of Crack Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Crack Addiction

Crack is a highly addictive substance that comes with high physical risk. Its use has varied short and long-term effects, as well as immediate effects that hijack the brain, making the person feel like the only way to survive is to keep using it. There are several...

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