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What Are the Steps to Developing a Recovery Plan?

What Are the Steps to Developing a Recovery Plan?

The road to recovery is a long and treacherous one. There may be many setbacks, triumphs, failures, broken resolves, and new beginnings. This is often a normal and natural part of recovery. However, this is also why it's important to create a plan for your recovery....

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Identifying Pre-Addiction

Identifying Pre-Addiction

Pre-addiction takes place prior to addiction, and identifying it is an opportunity to prevent addiction from happening. In order to do this for yourself or someone else, you need to know what the signs and symptoms of pre-addiction are, as well as other contributing...

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What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma often informs the way that we interact with the world around us. Deep and long-lasting emotional scars can impact the way we view ourselves, each other, and the world. Understanding the role that trauma plays in each of our lives can not only allow us to better...

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What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug. Its consumption is shown in popular television shows and movies. Entire series of shows are often based on characters working in, frequenting, or owning bars. Even when not in bars, characters can be seen with a drink perpetually...

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Can Stress Make Me More Vulnerable to Addiction?

Can Stress Make Me More Vulnerable to Addiction?

Stress is a part of life that everyone must deal with. While it certainly isn't pleasant, the presence of stress is often necessary in our daily lives. Stress motivates us to achieve our goals or take steps to eliminate the stressor. However, too much stress can have...

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The Power of Mindfulness

The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness plays a significant role in addiction treatment and recovery. It aids in improving mental health and overall wellbeing. Likewise, it can be practiced through a variety of activities found in addiction recovery programs. This article will highlight how...

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Is Family Therapy Right for Me?

Is Family Therapy Right for Me?

Some people believe that family therapy has no business in the recovery process of addiction or other mental health disorders. People may say that it's only the individual's problem and they should be the only ones in therapy. However, studies have shown that family...

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How Can I Practice Vulnerability in Recovery?

How Can I Practice Vulnerability in Recovery?

Emotional vulnerability may be an easy thing to conceptualize, but it can be extremely difficult to implement into daily life. Often when we struggle with an addiction or substance use disorder (SUD), we spend a lot of time being dishonest with ourselves and our loved...

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