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How Do I Talk to My Teen About Substance Use?

How Do I Talk to My Teen About Substance Use?

While there is no specific cause of substance use disorders (SUDs), there are factors that could put a person at risk. One of these factors is being a teen. Many people who develop substance use disorders started using as teens. According to the Centers for Disease...

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Knowing the Warning Signs of Suicide

Knowing the Warning Signs of Suicide

Suicide can affect people from all walks of life. Unfortunately, life can become unbearable for someone who does not have healthy connections and resources to manage their mental health. Sometimes, people who appear to have everything can suffer in silence, eventually...

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Does Adventure Therapy Really Work?

Does Adventure Therapy Really Work?

During your recovery journey, you will have to try many different types of therapy in various combinations before finding one that works for you. Adventure therapy is a complementary treatment approach that helps many individuals in maintaining successful recoveries....

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Understanding the Role of Grief in Addiction

Understanding the Role of Grief in Addiction

Grief is a powerful experience with the potential to affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. There are many circumstances that can cause you to feel grief. It can be a healthy response to impactful events in a person's life. However, understanding the...

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What Is Depression?

What Is Depression?

Depression can affect anyone at any time. There are many reasons that a person can succumb to depressive thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if you are just feeling down or if you are experiencing depression. Knowing the signs of depression and...

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Understanding Prescription Drug Misuse

Understanding Prescription Drug Misuse

Prescription drugs are often used to help a person re-establish internal balance. Whether a person is treating physical or mental health ailments, or a combination of the two, prescription medications can be helpful. Depending on the medication, prescription drugs can...

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What Are Club Drugs?

What Are Club Drugs?

Party life can introduce you to many unique people, places, and circumstances. Oftentimes, adult nightlife comes with risky behavior along with a smorgasbord of substances to choose from, like club drugs. Club drugs are a group of substances that can alter a person's...

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