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Relapse: It’s Not the End of Your Story

Relapse: It’s Not the End of Your Story

Most view relapse as the end of their recovery or as a point from which they need to start over. However, relapse is a common and often expected part of addiction recovery. Relapse occurs often and can be a difficult and frustrating experience, but it does not mean...

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Navigating Social Events While Sober

Navigating Social Events While Sober

Attending social engagements while in addiction recovery can be a challenging and potentially risky situation. Parties often involve the availability of substances that may be tempting for individuals in recovery. From having an escape plan to using a support network,...

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What Is Vocational Counseling?

What Is Vocational Counseling?

It can be challenging to transition from being in treatment and focusing on your recovery to leaving and returning to daily responsibilities. One of those daily responsibilities will include finding a job in order to provide for yourself or your family. This is where...

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How to Find Your Recovery Community

How to Find Your Recovery Community

Building a strong support network of friends, family, and professionals can have a significant impact on addiction recovery. Support from others can provide you with the encouragement, guidance, and accountability that you need. Additionally, your recovery community...

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How Can Breathwork Help My Recovery?

How Can Breathwork Help My Recovery?

Struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) can be stressful and scary for everyone involved. It's important to find healthy ways to cope with stress during your recovery time. Some popular stress relief methods include yoga, exercise, breathwork, and journaling. For...

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What Is the Refuge Recovery Program?

What Is the Refuge Recovery Program?

The foundation for the Refuge Recovery Program dates back many years ago, with a man from India named Siddhartha (Sid) Gautama. Today, he is widely known as a Buddha, and his spiritual practice is known as Buddhism. The Refuge Recovery Program is one of the many...

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The 5 Stages of Addiction Recovery

The 5 Stages of Addiction Recovery

The stages of addiction recovery vary depending on the individual and the specific substance or behavior they are trying to overcome. This article will discuss some common stages and setbacks that many people experience during the recovery process. It will showcase...

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Could Having a Pet Help My Recovery?

Could Having a Pet Help My Recovery?

Pets can have a positive effect on your mental and physical health during your recovery. They have been used in therapy and treatment centers for substance use disorders. Animals can be calming, promote positive social behaviors, improve heart health, and lower blood...

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Recognizing Alcohol Use Disorder

Recognizing Alcohol Use Disorder

Drinking alcohol is a pastime in many cultures around the world. It can be easy to fall into dangerous drinking habits when it is used in excess. Being mindful of alcohol consumption, triggers, and behaviors can help you manage your alcohol intake. Additionally,...

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