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What You Need to Know about Inhalants

When parents think about protecting their teens from substance abuse, street drugs and alcohol usually come to mind. However, other substances can also be dangerously abused, which are as close as your kitchen or garage. Inhalants, while not the most addictive...

5 Reasons Exercise is Important to Your Recovery

When you begin the recovery process, daily exercise may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Your focus in on getting and staying sober, so how does a walk or yoga fit into that equation? The truth is that exercise is a fundamental part of a successful recovery...
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is a common technique used during addiction recovery. The premise of CBT is to identify and alter problematic behaviors that lead to substance abuse, by recognizing the thought processes that lead to those behaviors. CBT is...

Introduction to the 12 Steps

The 12-step recovery program was originally created in the 1930s and has been successfully used by thousands struggling with addiction ever since. Originally designed for alcoholics, the program has been adapted over the years to other types of addictions, giving this...

The Family Education Program

Be a Loving Mirror (BALM) is a family recovery curriculum designed by Beverly Buncher. This curriculum encompasses interactive coaching and education to help families find a way to live in peace with the recovering addict after treatment. By erasing judgments and...